IBM Support


A fix is available


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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • 5655M1500
    Several of the CICS DB2 Global Statistics, headings and
    descriptions, are confusing. Headings meaning column headings
    within the DFHSTUP utility output. Descriptions meaning the
    field descriptions, for the associated heading, as shown in the
    Performance Guide. The specific fields in question are:
    D2G_TCB_FREE, D2G_TCB_HWM and D2G_TCB_CURRENT. These fields and
    associated headings of DFHSTUP utility output are confusing due
    to their reference of TCB usage.
       D2G_TCB_FREE relates to heading 'Current number of Free TCBs'
    within DFHSTUP utility output. This value is taken from field
    glb_free_conn_count (free connections (CSUBs) not TCBs) when the
    TCB pool being checked is openapi. The description of
    D2G_TCB_FREE, in the Performance Guide, points out the meaning
    of the heading/field in regard to DB2 version 6 and higher
    versus DB2 version 5. Since DB2 version 5 is now prehistoric, it
    makes sense to update the heading to 'Current number of Free
    Connections' or 'Current number of Free CSUBs'.
       D2G_TCB_HWM is much the same way when open api is relevent.
    D2G_TCB_HWM is taken from glb_current_associated_csubs_hwm.
    This is the HWM for ASSOCIATED CSUBS (meaning the connection was
    associated with a TCB at one time). It is not a HWM of TCBs,
    thus additional thought should be taken to possibly change the
    heading of 'Peak number of TCBs' to something more meaningful
    like 'Peak number of Associated Connections' or 'Peak number of
    Associated CSUBS'. Additional thought of updating the
    description for this field within the Performance Guide should
    also be taken into consideration as it explains the meaing as
    Peak number of TCBs as well. If the descriptions is also
    different with regard to pre DB2 version 6, additional
    information should also be added as was done for the
    D2G_TCB_FREE field.
       D2G_TCB_CURRENT = glb_current_associated_csubs in regard to
    openapi. This relates to the current number of ASSOCIATED CSUBs
    and not the Current number of TCBs. Thus, the heading of
    'Current number of TCBs' should also change to something like
    'Current number of Associated CSUBs'. The description within the
    Performance Guide should also change to reflect this and, if
    meaning is different pre DB2 version 6, should have that
    information added.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All.                                         *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Some of the headings in the DB2         *
    *                      part of the Statistics Utility          *
    *                      program are misleading. The term        *
    *                      'TCB' is used, but 'Connection' is a    *
    *                      more meaningful description.            *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    When CICS is connected to DB2 Version 6 or later, the
    TCBs used for DB2 threads are no longer dedicated to the
    DB2 interface as they were with DB2 Version 5 and earlier.
    Instead, there is a pool of L8 TCBs that can be used for DB2
    threads and other purposes, such as threadsafe application
    programs. DB2 connections (or CSUBs) become associated with,
    and freed from, these pooled TCBs as needed.
    However, the statistics report from the DFHSTUP utility
    program does not reflect this correctly. It still refers
    to TCBs, giving a misleading view of the usage of the DB2
    As the CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Version 3 Release 1
    Release Guide (GC34-6421-04) states that DB2 is only supported
    at Version 6 and above, it is no longer appropriate for the
    DFHSTUP statistics report to refer to TCBs as with earlier
    versions of DB2.
    Similar updates need to be done to the reports by DFH0STAT
    and DFH0STXR.
    Additional keywords: openapi DFH0STAT 0STAT STAT DFHSTUP STUP

Problem conclusion

  • DFHSTUD2 has been modified to use the term 'Connections' instead
    of 'TCBs' where appropriate, in the 'DB2 CONNECTION STATISTICS'
    part of the report. Also the IBM-supplied COBOL sample programs
    DFH0STDB and DFH0STXR have been modified to use 'Connections'
    and 'TCBs Connected' where appropriate, instead of 'TCBs'.
    The CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Version 3 Release 1
    CICS Performance Guide, SC34-6452-03, will be changed in
    the following places:
    1. Appendix A "CICS Statistics Tables", Section 2.1 "CICS DB2:
       Global Statistics", Table 21.
       In the 9th row of the table:
       - in the 'DFHSTUP name' column, change 'Current number of
         TCBs' to 'Current number of Connections'
       - in the 'Description' column, change the text to 'is the
         current number of connections used by the CICS-DB2
         attachment facility'. Leave the Reset characteristic
       In the 10th row of the table:
       - in the 'DFHSTUP name' column, change 'Peak number of TCBs'
         to 'Peak number of Connections'
       - in the 'Description' column, change the text to 'is the
         peak number of connections used by the CICS-DB2 attachment
         facility'. Leave the Reset characteristic unchanged
       In the 11th row of the table:
       - in the 'DFHSTUP name' column, change 'Current number of
         free TCBs' to 'Current number of free Connections'
       - in the 'Description' column, change the text to 'is the
         number of free connections available for use with CICS open
         TCBs'. Leave the Reset characteristic unchanged
    2. Appendix E "The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT", Section
       58 "DB2 Connection Report".
       In Figure 123 (the sample report), change 'TCBs' to
       'Connections' in the following 3 fields:
       - Current number of TCBs
       - Current number of free TCBs
       - Peak number of TCBs
       In Table 247:
       In the 29th row of the table:
       - in the 'Field Heading' column, change 'Current number of
         TCBs' to 'Current number of Connections'
       - in the 'Description' column, change the text to 'The
         current number of connections in use by the CICS DB2
         attachment facility'. Leave the Source field unchanged
       In the 30th row of the table:
       - in the 'Field Heading' column, change 'Peak number of TCBs'
         to 'Peak number of Connections'
       - in the Description  column, change the text to 'The peak
         number of connections used by the CICS DB2 attachment
         facility'. Leave the Source field unchanged
       In the 31st row of the table:
       - in the 'Field Heading' column, change 'Current number of
         free TCBs' to 'Current number of free Connections'
       - in the 'Description' column, change the text to 'The number
         of free connections available for use with CICS open TCBs'.
         Leave the Source field unchanged

Temporary fix

  • CICS AR400 AR401
    ++ APAR (AK25021).
    ++ VER (C150) FMID(JCI6401).
       /* MODULE: DFH0STDB --- TYPE: COBOL */.
               MOVE 'Current number of Connections. . . . .
                                        . :' TO PP3-44. 88016000
               MOVE 'Current number of free Connections. .
                                       . . . :'         88032000
               MOVE 'Peak number of Connections . . . . . .
                                        . :' TO PP3-44. 88066000
    ./ ENDUP
       /* MODULE: DFH0STXR --- TYPE: COBOL */.
               03  FILLER                  PIC X(26)    08260000
                     'Peak DB2 TCBs connected = '.      08280000
               03  D2-W-001-DB2-TCBS       PIC ZZ9.     08300000
               03  FILLER                  PIC X(23)    08320000
    ./ ENDUP


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    CICSTS 3.1 Z/OS

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

    UK15683 UK15684



Publications Referenced

Fix information

  • Fixed component name

    CICSTS 3.1 Z/OS

  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R400 PSY UK15683

       UP06/06/30 P F606

  • R401 PSY UK15684

       UP06/06/30 P F606

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 July 2006