IBM Support


A fix is available


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APAR status

  • Closed as new function.

Error description

  • The current support for WMQ transport in CICS Web Services does
    not provide provision for the recovery of the request message
    data in certain failure circumstances. Once the message is
    removed from the request queue it is not possible to recover
    this data should any form of failure occur, either program or
    You are using SOAP to run programs in CICS.  After coming in
    through DFHIPIPM and going through INVOKE_STUB processing, you
    enter the INVOKE_PROGRAM function.  Your application program
    gets invoked, that in turn LINKs to a second program.  This
    program makes an DSNSQL (SQL) call to DB2 and performs an update
    or add of a record.  On return from DB2 your application program
    abends with a program check.  This is percolated up to the
    calling program and to the INVOKE_PROGRAM function where a
    non-exception trace entry is made indicating that an ASRA
    occurred.  If PI tracing is turned on you can see a
    FUNCTION(SOAPFAULT_CREATE) trace entry, but when the INVOKE_STUB
    EXIT is traced, an OK response is given.  This causes the work
    on DB2 to be committed FORWARD, instead of backed out.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICS users                               *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In the current design for Web Services  *
    *                      a system outage or failure, when using  *
    *                      the MQ transport, may lead to the loss  *
    *                      of Soap requests.                       *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    The MQ transport for Web Services utilizes a request queue onto
    which outbound Soap messages are placed. Transaction CPIL
    removes these messages and places the request data into a series
    of standard channel containers. The Soap pipeline is then
    started and a SYNCPOINT performed. At this point the MQGET is
    committed and the assumption is that any MQ persistent messages
    will be delivered. However in the current implementation, should
    a systems failure occur at this point it is possible to lose a
    SOAP request as the standard channels and their containers are
    not recoverable.
    This APAR also enhances task recovery in a Context-switching
    environment. A context switch occurs within Web Services when an
    alteration to the transaction ID and or the Userid has been
    effected by a pipeline handler.
    Additional Keywords: CPIQ

Problem conclusion

Temporary fix



  •  In the "CICS Web Services Guide" manual, SC34-6838-00, the
     section in Chapter 6, "Configuring your CICS system for
     Web Services." is amended as follows;
     MQ Persistent Message support
     CICS Web Services provides support for MQ persistent messages.
     CICS Business Transaction Services (BTS) is used to ensure that
     MQ persistent messages sent to an MQ Transport Web Service on
     CICS TS 3.2 are recovered in the event of a CICS system
     failure. For one-way messages, if the Web Service abends or
     backs out, sufficient information is retained to allow the
     installation to retry the failing request, or to report the
     failure appropriately.
     For this to work correctly, BTS must be configured as described
     in "Configuring BTS". If an error occurs when creating the
     required BTS process, message DFHPI0118 is issued, and CICS
     continues without BTS, using the existing channel-based
     container mechanism.
     The retention of the MQ persistent message information within
     the BTS process is affected by the use of the SYNCPOINT or
     SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK commands within application code. The
     encompassing BTS process is classed as having completed
     successfully as soon as either of these commands has been issue
     successfully. All the retained data, as extracted from the
     incoming MQ persistent message, is then discarded. This
     completion of the BTS process does not affect the running
     application in any way.
     Configuring BTS
     You must configure BTS as follows:
       1. Use IDCAMS to define the Local Request Queue (LRQ) and
          Repository File to MVS.
       2. Use RDO to define the LRQ and Repository File to CICS. A
          suitable value for STRINGS must be specified for the file
          definition. The default value of 1 is unlikely to be
          sufficient, and you are recommended to use 10.
       3. Use RDO to define a PROCESSTYPE with name DFHMQSOA to
          CICS. Specify the Repository File name as the FILE
          parameter on this definition.
     See the "CICS TS 3.2 Business Transaction Services" manual for
     full details of BTS configuration.
     Processing Overview
     When a WebService request is received in an MQ persistent
     message, a unique BTS process is created with PROCESSTYPE
     DFHMQSOA, and data relating to the inbound request is captured
     in BTS containers associated with the process. The process is
     then scheduled to run asynchronously. If the Web Service
     completes normally and commits, the BTS process is deleted.
      **Note that this includes the case when a SOAP fault is
        generated without abending.
     In the event of a CICS failure before the Web Service starts or
     before the Web Service completes processing, BTS recovery
     ensures that the process is rescheduled when CICS is restarted.
     If the Web Service abends and backs out, the BTS process is
     marked complete with status ABENDED. For two way messages, a
     SOAP fault is returned to the requester, which can then take
     appropriate action. The BTS process is cancelled, and CICS
     retains no information about the failed request. CICS issues
     message DFHBA0104 on transient data queue CSBA, and message
     DFHPI0117 on transient data queue CPIO.
     For one way messages, because there is no way to return
     information about the failure to the requester, the BTS process
     is retained in COMPLETE ABENDED state. CICS issues message
     DFHBA0104 on transient data queue CSBA, and DFHPI0116 on
     transient data queue CPIO.
    Recovery Techniques.
    You can use the CBAM transaction to display any COMPLETE ABENDED
    processes, or you can supply a recovery transaction to check for
    COMPLETE ABENDED processes of the DFHMQSOA processtype and take
    appropriate action. For example, it could:
       - RESET the process and issue RUN ASYNC to retry the failing
         Web Service. If so, it could keep a retry count in another
         container on the process, to avoid repeated failure.
       - use information in the process's containers to report on
         the problem:
         -The DFHMQORIGINALMSG container contains the message
           received from MQ (which may contain RFH2 headers).
         - The DFHMQMSG container contains the MQ message with any
           RFH2 headers removed.
         - The DFHMQDLQ container contains the name of the MQ Dead
           Letter Queue associated with the original message.
         - DFHMQCONT container contains the MQ MQMD control block
           relating to the MQ GET for the original message.
     The following messages are added to the CICS Messages and Codes
     manual, GC34-6827-00.
     DFHPIxxxx messages
     DFHPI0116 date time applid A one-way request has been received
       as an MQ persistent message, but the provider pipeline has
       abended or backed out changes to recoverable resources. The
       BTS process "processname" of processtype "processtype" has
       completed with status ABENDED and this process can be retried
       or used to provide information for reporting the "failure"
     Explanation: A one way SOAP message has been received as a
       persistent MQ message, but the provider pipeline has abended
       or forced a backout of changes to recoverable resources. As
       there is no reply to queue, there is no way of informing the
       requester of the failure. A BTS process processname in
       completion state ABENDED contains information about the
       original MQ message, and this process and its containers can
       be used to retry the failing provider pipeline, or to report
       the failure appropriately.
     System action: CICS has kept the information necessary to retry
       the failing provider pipeline in the named process. CICS
       takes no further action for the process.
     User response: A user-written transaction can ACQUIRE the
       PROCESS named in the message and take appropriate
       installation defined action. This could include one or more
       of the following:
         - retry the failing process by issuing RESET ACQPROCESS
           followed by RUN ACPROCESS ASYNC. Of course, the process
           could fail again in exactly the same way, and so an
           installation might wish to limit the number of retries.
           This can be done by using a container to contain a retry
           count, which would be incremented on each attempt, and
           taking a different action when the count exceeds an
           installation defined threshold.
         - recover information about the original MQ message
           received and record this on an installation defined log
           file. There are a number of containers associated with
           the PROCESS, DFHMQORIGINALMSG contains the message as
           received from MQ, DFHMQMSG contains the inbound message
           with RFH2 header removed, that is, the SOAP message.
           DFHMQCONT contains the MQMD control block with data
           relating to the MQ GET that was issued by CICS pipeline
           processing MQ transport. After recovering any necessary
           information for reporting or logging the failure, the
           PROCESS can be cancelled (CANCEL ACQPROCESS).
     Destination: CPIO
     Module: DFHPIDSQ
     XMEOUT Parameters: date,  time, applid
     DFHPI0117 date time applid BTS process "processname" of
       processtype "processtype", which has completed with status
       ABENDED, has been cancelled. A provider pipeline started with
       a persistent MQ message has abended or backed out, but a
       response has been sent to the requester.
     Explanation: A provider pipeline was started by a persistent MQ
       message, and a BTS process was created to ensure that the
       information was not lost on a system failure. The provider
       pipeline abended or backed out changes to recoverable
       resources, and the BTS process completed with status ABENDED.
       As a response message has been returned to the requester -in
       the form of an MQ message on the reply-to queue-, the
       requester is aware of the failure and can take appropriate
       action. The BTS process in the provider system has been
       cancelled, as there is no longer any need to retain it. And
       earlier message DFHBA0104 reported the ABENDED state of the
     System action: CICS cancels the process that completed with
       status ABENDED. All the data associated with the process is
     User response: None. This is an informational message,
       indicating that the process that complete with status ABENDED
       has been cancelled. CICS has sent a response to the requester
       indicating the failure.
     Destination: CPIO
     Module: DFHPIDSQ
     XMEOUT Parameters: date,  time, applid
     DFHPI0118 applid CICS has attempted to use BTS
       processes to support pipelines started with WebSphere MQ
       persistent messages. This attempt failed. CICS will continue,
       using channel-based containers for the pipeline, but there is
       a risk of data loss in the even of a system failure. Ensure
       that BTS PROCESSTYPE, repository, and local request queue are
       correctly defined and installed.
     Explanation: A persistent MQ message has been received to start
       a CICS provider pipeline, and CICS has attempted to create a
       BTS process to reliably hold the message data until the
       provider pipeline completes. However, an error occurred when
       attempting to create the BTS process. CICS will continue
       processing persistent MQ messages to start provider
       pipelines, using channel based containers, but there is a
       risk that data from the persistent message may be lost in the
       event of a system failure.
     System action: CICS continues to process inbound MQ persistent
       messages to drive provider pipelines, but in the event of a
       system failure, data originating in the persistent messages
       may be lost. This message is issued once on the first
       occurrence of a failure to create an BTS process. It is not
       issued for every occurrence of such a failure.
     User response: Check that the steps stated in the section
       "Configuring your CICS system for Web Services" in the
       "CICS Web Services Guide" manual have been taken.
     Destination: CONSOLE
     Module: DFHPILSQ
     XMEOUT Parameters: applid

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:


  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Publications Referenced

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R500 PSY UK29110

       UP07/09/21 P F709

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"APARs - z\/OS environment"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 February 2008