IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • You are in a multi-LPAR CICSPLEX environment utilizing the
    HUB/SPOKE/WHEEL configuration.  CMAS-A is connected directly to
    CMAS-B and indirectly to CMAS-C and CMAS-D through the hub CMAS,
    You have MAS's connecting to CMAS-A, CMAS-B is notified and
    starts the JOIN process.  These JOINS should be broadcast to the
    rest of the CICSPLEX, but the link between CMAS-B and CMAS-H is
    lost.  The lost connection is due to the hub CMAS being
    restarted during the JOIN process.
    CMAS-H joins the MAS's after it completes the restart, but the
    broadcast is not sent to CMAS-C and CMAS-D.
    A MASSTAT view will show that the MAS's are part of the PLEX on
    CMAS's A, B, and H.  The MAS's will not be active on C and D.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICSPlex/SM V3R1M0 Users                 *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: If one or more CMASes are terminating   *
    *                      while a MAS is Topology connecting to   *
    *                      another CMAS, one or more other CMASes  *
    *                      in the network that manage the CICSplex *
    *                      the MAS is part of may not Topology     *
    *                      join the MAS.  This may result in       *
    *                      missing data for EUI, API, and WUI      *
    *                      requests, missing or invalid events if  *
    *                      CPSM RTA is in use, or invalid routing  *
    *                      if CPSM WLM is in use.                  *
    *                                                              *
    *                      Examination of the connecting CMAS's    *
    *                      auxtrace dataset will show an exception *
    *                      trace written by method EYU0CTMB (CTMB) *
    *                      with a debug text of "EXCP" and a trace *
    *                      point ID of 12.                         *
    * RECOMMENDATION: After applying the PTF that resolves this    *
    *                 APAR, all CMASes must be restarted.  Note    *
    *                 that the restarts do not need to occur at    *
    *                 the same time.                               *
    When a MAS Topology connects to a CMAS, method EYU0TSRA (TSRA)
    calls method EYU0CPUM (CPUM) to update the MASDIR resource table
    for the MAS.  As part of this process, CPUM calls method
    EYU0CAMB (CAMB) to broadcast the MASDIR to all other CMASes in
    the network.  In those CMASes that manage the CICSplex the MAS
    is part of, this will result in a Topology join request.
    Broadcasts use transmission lists (TLSTs), which define the
    paths (legs) from the sending CMAS to all other CMASes in the
    network, using the minimal amount of sends.  CAMB calls method
    EYU0CTMB (CTMB), which ships each leg of the broadcast.  If the
    first CMAS in the leg is not available, because it is
    terminating, CTMB will not ship that leg out.  That results in
    the other CMASes in the leg not receiving the request, even
    though they remain active.

Problem conclusion

  • CAMB has been updated to allow for a retry if the full
    broadcast does not succeed, if requested.  CPUM has been updated
    to request that CAMB retry an incomplete broadcast when called
    from TSRA during Topology connect processing.

Temporary fix



  • If one or more CMAS is terminating
    while a MAS is Topology connecting to
    another CMAS, one or more other CMASes
    in the network that manage the CICSplex
    the MAS is part of may not Topology
    join the MAS.  This may result in
    missing data for EUI, API, and WUI
    requests, missing or invalid events if
    CPSM RTA is in use, or invalid routing
    if CPSM WLM is in use.
    Examination of the connecting CMAS's
    auxtrace dataset will show an exception
    trace written by method EYU0CTMB (CTMB)
    with a debug text of "EXCP" and a trace
    point ID of 12.
    When a MAS Topology connects to a CMAS, method EYU0TSRA (TSRA)
    calls method EYU0CPUM (CPUM) to update the MASDIR resource table
    for the MAS.  As part of this process, CPUM calls method
    EYU0CAMB (CAMB) to broadcast the MASDIR to all other CMASes in
    the network.  In those CMASes that manage the CICSplex the MAS
    is part of, this will result in a Topology join request.
    Broadcasts use transmission lists (TLSTs), which define the
    paths (legs) from the sending CMAS to all other CMASes in the
    network, using the minimal amount of sends.  CAMB calls method
    EYU0CTMB (CTMB), which ships each leg of the broadcast.  If the
    first CMAS in the leg is not available, because it is
    terminating, CTMB will not ship that leg out.  That results in
    the other CMASes in the leg not receiving the request, even
    though they remain active.
    CAMB has been updated to allow for a retry if the full
    broadcast does not succeed, if requested.  CPUM has been updated
    to request that CAMB retry an incomplete broadcast when called
    from TSRA during Topology connect processing.

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    CPSM CICS 3.1

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:




Fix information

  • Fixed component name

    CPSM CICS 3.1

  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R100 PSY UK14927

       UP06/05/31 P F605

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 February 2023