IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • EYU0BMRV was called to add an element to a resource list. A
    positive response is received, but a status of duplicate, which
    returned to the caller EYU0BMRA with a RC4. EUY0BMRA called
    EUY0BMRV to add or remove elements from the resource set.
    EUY0BMRV branches to SET_SERV_X8 as a result of RC4, which
    caused a dump to be taken, and exits with RC8. When a CICS
    system is connected to BAS resources by itself, if you try to
    remove the CICS system, you get an INUSE indication.  When a
    CICS system is connected to BAS resources because of its
    inclusion in a group, you don't get this error.  However,
    the install records that are associated with that connection
    are not removed. Later on, when the CICS system is readded to
    the group, BAS attempts to rebuild the records, but they are
    already there, and thus we fail with duplicate records.

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICSPlex/SM V3R1M0 Users                 *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Message EYUBM0102W indicating that BAS  *
    *                      encountered an error while processing   *
    *                      an ESgrpChg event may be received in a  *
    *                      CMAS when a CICS system definition      *
    *                      (CSYSDEF) is added to a CICS system     *
    *                      group definition (CSYSGRP) that is      *
    *                      associated with BAS definitions.  This  *
    *                      will occur in all CMASes that manage    *
    *                      the CICSplex the CSYSDEF is associated  *
    *                      with.  If a non-maintenance point (MP)  *
    *                      CMAS is inactive at the time of the     *
    *                      add, it will receive the error when it  *
    *                      next connects to the MP CMAS.           *
    *                                                              *
    *                      The error will occur if the CSYSDEF was *
    *                      previously a member of the CSYSGRP, and *
    *                      was subsequently removed and re-added   *
    *                      to the CICSplex.                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      The text of the EYUBM0102W message will *
    *                      be as follows:                          *
    *                                                              *
    *                       EYUBM0102W BAS has reported an error   *
    *                                  processing event (ESgrpChg) *
    *                                                              *
    *                      Examination of the CMAS's auxtrace      *
    *                      datasets will show the following        *
    *                      exception traces, with the specified    *
    *                      trace point ID and debug text:          *
    *                                                              *
    *                       Method  TPID  Debug text               *
    *                       ------  ----  ----------               *
    *                       BMRV      7   BMRVXCLA                 *
    *                       BMRA      7   BMRABMRV                 *
    *                       BMWU      8   BMWUBMRA                 *
    *                       BMLT      9   ESgrpChg                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                      Message EYUBM0102W may be preceded by   *
    *                      message EYUXZ0910I indicating a dump    *
    *                      was taken.  The dump title will be      *
    *                      similar to the following:               *
    *                                                              *
    *                       EYU0XZPT Dump,<cmasjobn>,<cmasname>,   *
    *                       <lpar>,CMAS,BMLT,<tasknum>,TRAC,       *
    *                       EYU0BMRA,<date>,<time>                 *
    * RECOMMENDATION: After applying the PTF that resolves this    *
    *                 APAR, all CMASes must be restarted.  Note    *
    *                 that the restarts do not need to occur at    *
    *                 the same time.                               *
    When a CSYSDEF is associated with BAS definitions through its
    inclusion in a CSYSGRP, method EYU0BMRV (BMRV) will add records
    to a list to indicate what resources should be installed for the
    CSYSDEF.  If the CSYSDEF is removed from the CSYSGRP, method
    EYU0BMWU (BMWU) is called and removes the install list elements.
    If instead the CSYSDEF is removed from the CICSplex while still
    a member of the group, method EYU0BMSR (BMSR) is called to
    perform cleanup.  BMSR does not remove the install list
    elements.  If the CSYSDEF is subsequently re-added to the
    CICSplex and re-added to the CSYSGRP, BMRV will fail attempting
    to add the install list elements again, resulting in the errors
    documented above.
    For the most part, the only problem will be the messages.
    However, if between the time that the CSYSDEF was removed from
    the CICSplex to the time it was re-added to the CSYSGRP, changes
    were made to add or remove resources associated with the
    CSYSGRP, those changes may not be picked up when the CSYSDEF is
    re-added to the CSYSGRP.  As a result, new resources may not be
    installed for the CSYSDEF, and obsolete resources may be
    installed for the CSYSDEF.

Problem conclusion

  • BMSR has been updated to remove all install list elements for
    the CSYSDEF when it is removed from the CICSplex.

Temporary fix



  • Message EYUBM0102W indicating that BAS
    encountered an error while processing
    an ESgrpChg event may be received in a
    CMAS when a CICS system definition
    (CSYSDEF) is added to a CICS system
    group definition (CSYSGRP) that is
    associated with BAS definitions.  This
    will occur in all CMASes that manage
    the CICSplex the CSYSDEF is associated
    with.  If a non-maintenance point (MP)
    CMAS is inactive at the time of the
    add, it will receive the error when it
    next connects to the MP CMAS.
    The error will occur if the CSYSDEF was
    previously a member of the CSYSGRP, and
    was subsequently removed and re-added
    to the CICSplex.
    The text of the EYUBM0102W message will
    be as follows:
     EYUBM0102W BAS has reported an error
                processing event (ESgrpChg)
    Examination of the CMAS's auxtrace
    datasets will show the following
    exception traces, with the specified
    trace point ID and debug text:
     Method  TPID  Debug text
     ------  ----  ----------
     BMRV      7   BMRVXCLA
     BMRA      7   BMRABMRV
     BMWU      8   BMWUBMRA
     BMLT      9   ESgrpChg
    Message EYUBM0102W may be preceded by
    message EYUXZ0910I indicating a dump
    was taken.  The dump title will be
    similar to the following:
     EYU0XZPT Dump,<cmasjobn>,<cmasname>,
    When a CSYSDEF is associated with BAS definitions through its
    inclusion in a CSYSGRP, method EYU0BMRV (BMRV) will add records
    to a list to indicate what resources should be installed for the
    CSYSDEF.  If the CSYSDEF is removed from the CSYSGRP, method
    EYU0BMWU (BMWU) is called and removes the install list elements.
    If instead the CSYSDEF is removed from the CICSplex while still
    a member of the group, method EYU0BMSR (BMSR) is called to
    perform cleanup.  BMSR does not remove the install list
    elements.  If the CSYSDEF is subsequently re-added to the
    CICSplex and re-added to the CSYSGRP, BMRV will fail attempting
    to add the install list elements again, resulting in the errors
    documented above.
    For the most part, the only problem will be the messages.
    However, if between the time that the CSYSDEF was removed from
    the CICSplex to the time it was re-added to the CSYSGRP, changes
    were made to add or remove resources associated with the
    CSYSGRP, those changes may not be picked up when the CSYSDEF is
    re-added to the CSYSGRP.  As a result, new resources may not be
    installed for the CSYSDEF, and obsolete resources may be
    installed for the CSYSDEF.
    BMSR has been updated to remove all install list elements for
    the CSYSDEF when it is removed from the CICSplex.

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    CPSM CICS 3.1

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



  •    EYU0BMSR

Fix information

  • Fixed component name

    CPSM CICS 3.1

  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R100 PSY UK24286

       UP07/04/24 P F704

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

{"0":{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},"461":{"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe 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Document Information

Modified date:
22 February 2023