IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • If a control block corruption or other problem in a MAS creates
    a loop such that EXEC CICS READ NEXT commands against a CICS
    resource returns the same set of resources repeatedly, the CPSM
    QUE dataspace storage may fill up and cause the CMAS to
    terminate.  This APAR will introduce measures that attempt to
    stop the looping condition from exhausting all the QUE dataspace
    storage as well as get an SVC dump of the regions involved.
    Additional Symptom(s) Search Keyword(s):

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All CICSPlex/SM V3R1M0 Users                 *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: -  If CICS control block corruption in  *
    *                         a MAS causes an EXEC CICS BROWSE     *
    *                         request to loop, the CPSM QUE        *
    *                         dataspaces may fill, resulting in    *
    *                         message:                             *
    *                                                              *
    *                          EYUXC0023S Maximum data cache limit *
    *                                     has been reached for QUE *
    *                                     cache.                   *
    *                                                              *
    *                         This may result in other possible    *
    *                         failures, including termination of   *
    *                         the CMAS to which the MAS is         *
    *                         connected.  If this occurs, message  *
    *                         EYUXC0023S will also be issued by    *
    *                         the CMAS, and will be followed by    *
    *                         message:                             *
    *                                                              *
    *                          EYUXC0024S The CMAS is terminating  *
    *                                     due to a previous error  *
    *                                     with the Cache           *
    *                                     component.               *
    *                                                              *
    *                         Note that EXEC CICS BROWSE requests  *
    *                         are issued by CPSM in a MAS during   *
    *                         MAS initialization for resource      *
    *                         topology data retrieval, and after   *
    *                         initialization in response to EUI,   *
    *                         API, WUI, and RTA requests.          *
    *                                                              *
    *                      -  If an error occurs during resource   *
    *                         topology data retrieval at           *
    *                         initialization of a MAS, the error   *
    *                         may not be reported to the CMAS to   *
    *                         which the MAS is connecting.  This   *
    *                         will allow the MAS to successfully   *
    *                         connect to the CMAS with possible    *
    *                         invalid information.                 *
    *                                                              *
    *                         This may result in security rules    *
    *                         not being followed properly, or in   *
    *                         failures trying to access resources  *
    *                         installed in the MAS through the     *
    *                         EUI, API, WUI, or RTA.               *
    * RECOMMENDATION: After applying the PTF that resolves this    *
    *                 APAR, all CMASes and MASes must be           *
    *                 restarted.  Note that the restarts do not    *
    *                 need to occur at the same time.              *
    -  When CICS control block corruption in a MAS causes an EXEC
       CICS BROWSE request to loop, CPSM will continue to write
       records to the result queue until the QUE dataspaces fill or
       until another error causes the request to fail.
    -  Method EYU0NLGT (NLGT) is called during initialization to
       perform resource topology data retrieval.  During this
       process, NLGT will call methods EYU0NLGS (NLGS), EYU0NLGF
       (NLGF), EYU0NLG1 (NLG1) and EYU0NLG4 (NLG4) as part of the
       retrieval process.  If any of these methods encounter an
       error, a OK response is still returned to the CMAS to which
       the MAS is connecting.

Problem conclusion

  • -  To stop a runaway queue in a MAS from filling the QUE
       dataspaces a cache block limit is being imposed on work
       queues in a MAS.  To effect this change, the following
       updates have been made:
       -  The EYURXQSB (QSCB) control block defines an allocated
          CPSM queue structure.  This control block has been updated
          to include a new fullword field, which will be used as a
          counter of cache blocks allocated for the queue.
       -  Method EYU0XQCQ (XQCQ) is called to create a CPSM queue.
          When a queue is created, one cache block is allocated to
          the queue.  XQCQ has been updated to set the QSCB block
          count to one.
       -  Method EYU0XQPQ (XQPQ) is called to add records to a CPSM
          queue.  If the candidate record will not fit in the cache
          blocks allocated for the queue, XQPQ will call method
          EYU0XQAB (XQAB) to allocate an additional cache block for
          the queue.  XQPQ has been updated to verify if adding the
          new block will exceed the new cache block limit.  If the
          limit will not be exceeded, XQPQ will increment the QSCB
          block count by one.  If the limit will be exceeded, XQPQ
          will fail the request, and issue an exception trace with a
          debug text of "MaxBlks' and a trace point ID of 5.  An
          SVCdump will also be taken.  The title of the dump will be
          similar to the following:
            EYU0XZPT Dump,<masjobn>,<masname>,<lpar>,LMAS,
       -  Method EYU0XQAQ (XQAQ) is called to append one CPSM queue
          to another queue.  XQAQ has been updated to verify if the
          result queue will exceed the new cache block limit.  If
          the limit will not be exceeded, XQAQ will update the QSCB
          block count of the result queue with the sum of the block
          counts of the original queues.  If the limit will be
          exceeded, XQAQ will fail the request, and issue an
          exception trace with a debug text of "MaxBlks' and a trace
          point ID of 6.  An SVCdump will also be taken.  The title
          of the dump will be similar to the following:
            EYU0XZPT Dump,<masjobn>,<masname>,<lpar>,LMAS,
       -  Method EYU0XQCP (XQCP) is called to copy one queue to a
          new queue.  XQCP has been updated to copy the QSCB block
          count of the source queue to the QSCB block count of the
          target queue.
    -  Methods NLGT, NLGS, NLGF, NLG1, and NLG4 have been updated to
       return a Response/Reason of EXCEPTION/METHOD_FAILED to their
       callers if an error occurs during resource topology data
       retrieval.  NLGT will also issue new message:
         EYUNL0161E  Resource topology data retrieval failed
       Method EYU0TSSC (TSSC), which initiates resource topology
       data retrieval from a CMAS during the Topology Connect
       process, has been updated to ensure the MAS terminates when
       the process fails.

Temporary fix



  • -  If CICS control block corruption in
       a MAS causes an EXEC CICS BROWSE
       request to loop, the CPSM QUE
       dataspaces may fill, resulting in
        EYUXC0023S Maximum data cache limit
                   has been reached for QUE
       This may result in other possible
       failures, including termination of
       the CMAS to which the MAS is
       connected.  If this occurs, message
       EYUXC0023S will also be issued by
       the CMAS, and will be followed by
        EYUXC0024S The CMAS is terminating
                   due to a previous error
                   with the Cache
       Note that EXEC CICS BROWSE requests
       are issued by CPSM in a MAS during
       MAS initialization for resource
       topology data retrieval, and after
       initialization in response to EUI,
       API, WUI, and RTA requests.
    -  If an error occurs during resource
       topology data retrieval at
       initialization of a MAS, the error
       may not be reported to the CMAS to
       which the MAS is connecting.  This
       will allow the MAS to successfully
       connect to the CMAS with possible
       invalid information.
       This may result in security rules
       not be followed properly, or in
       failures trying to access resources
       installed in the MAS through the
       EUI, API, WUI, or RTA.
    -  When CICS control block corruption in a MAS causes an EXEC
       CICS BROWSE request to loop, CPSM will continue to write
       records to the result queue until the QUE dataspaces fill or
       until another error causes the request to fail.
    -  Method EYU0NLGT (NLGT) is called during initialization to
       perform resource topology data retrieval.  During this
       process, NLGT will call methods EYU0NLGS (NLGS), EYU0NLGF
       (NLGF), EYU0NLG1 (NLG1) and EYU0NLG4 (NLG4) as part of the
       retrieval process.  If any of these methods encounter an
       error, a OK response is still returned to the CMAS to which
       the MAS is connecting.
    -  To stop a runaway queue in a MAS from filling the QUE
       dataspaces a cache block limit is being imposed on work
       queues in a MAS.  To affect this change, the following
       updates have been made:
       -  The EYURXQSB (QSCB) control block defines an allocated
          CPSM queue structure.  This control block has been updated
          to include a new fullword field, which will be used as a
          counter of cache blocks allocated for the queue.
       -  Method EYU0XQCQ (XQCQ) is called to create a CPSM queue.
          When a queue is created, one cache block is allocated to
          the queue.  XQCQ has been updated to set the QSCB block
          count to one.
       -  Method EYU0XQPQ (XQPQ) is called to add records to a CPSM
          queue.  If the candidate record will not fit in the cache
          blocks allocated for the queue, XQPQ will call method
          EYU0XQAB (XQAB) to allocate an additional cache block for
          the queue.  XQPQ has been updated to verify if adding the
          new block will exceed the new cache block limit.  If the
          limit will not be exceeded, XQPQ will increment the QSCB
          block count by one.  If the limit will be exceeded, XQPQ
          will fail the request, and issue an exception trace with a
          debug text of "MaxBlks' and a trace point ID of 5.  An
          SVCdump will also be taken.  The title of the dump will be
          similar to the following:
            EYU0XZPT Dump,<masjobn>,<masname>,<lpar>,LMAS,
       -  Method EYU0XQAQ (XQAQ) is called to append one CPSM queue
          to another queue.  XQAQ has been updated to verify if the
          result queue will exceed the new cache block limit.  If
          the limit will not be exceeded, XQAQ will update the QSCB
          block count of the result queue with the sum of the block
          counts of the original queues.  If the limit will be
          exceeded, XQAQ will fail the request, and issue an
          exception trace with a debug text of "MaxBlks' and a trace
          point ID of 6.  An SVCdump will also be taken.  The title
          of the dump will be similar to the following:
            EYU0XZPT Dump,<masjobn>,<masname>,<lpar>,LMAS,
       -  Method EYU0XQCP (XQCP) is called to copy one queue to a
          new queue.  XQCP has been updated to copy the QSCB block
          count of the source queue to the QSCB block count of the
          target queue.
    -  Methods NLGT, NLGS, NLGF, NLG1, and NLG4 have been updated to
       return a Response/Reason of EXCEPTION/METHOD_FAILED to their
       callers if an error occurs during resource topology data
       retrieval.  NLGT will also issue new message:
         EYUNL0161E  Resource topology data retrieval failed
       Method EYU0TSSC (TSSC), which initiates resource topology
       data retrieval from a CMAS during the Topology Connect
       process, has been updated to ensure the MAS terminates when
       the process fails.

APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    CPSM CICS 3.1

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

    PK68912 UK40526



Publications Referenced

Fix information

  • Fixed component name

    CPSM CICS 3.1

  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R100 PSY UK40526

       UP08/10/10 P F810

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

{"0":{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},"387":{"Product":{"code":"SSGMGV","label":"CICS Transaction Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}},"1":null,"2":null,"3":null,"4":null,"5":null,"6":null,"7":null,"8":null,"9":null,"10":null,"11":null,"12":null,"13":null,"14":null,"15":null,"16":null,"17":null,"18":null,"19":null,"20":null,"21":null,"22":null,"23":null,"24":null,"25":null,"26":null,"27":null,"28":null,"29":null,"30":null,"31":null,"32":null,"33":null,"34":null,"35":null,"36":null,"37":null,"38":null,"39":null,"40":null,"41":null,"42":null,"43":null,"44":null,"45":null,"46":null,"47":null,"48":null,"49":null,"50":null,"51":null,"52":null,"53":null,"54":null,"55":null,"56":null,"57":null,"58":null,"59":null,"60":null,"61":null,"62":null,"63":null,"64":null,"65":null,"66":null,"67":null,"68":null,"69":null,"70":null,"71":null,"72":null,"73":null,"74":null,"75":null,"76":null,"77":null,"78":null,"79":null,"80":null,"81":null,"82":null,"83":null,"84":null,"85":null,"86":null,"87":null,"88":null,"89":null,"90":null,"91":null,"92":null,"93":null,"94":null,"95":null,"96":null,"97":null,"98":null,"99":null,"100":null,"101":null,"102":null,"103":null,"104":null,"105":null,"106":null,"107":null,"108":null,"109":null,"110":null,"111":null,"112":null,"113":null,"114":null,"115":null,"116":null,"117":null,"118":null,"119":null,"120":null,"121":null,"122":null,"123":null,"124":null,"125":null,"126":null,"127":null,"128":null,"129":null,"130":null,"131":null,"132":null,"133":null,"134":null,"135":null,"136":null,"137":null,"138":null,"139":null,"140":null,"141":null,"142":null,"143":null,"144":null,"145":null,"146":null,"147":null,"148":null,"149":null,"150":null,"151":null,"152":null,"153":null,"154":null,"155":null,"156":null,"157":null,"158":null,"159":null,"160":null,"161":null,"162":null,"163":null,"164":null,"165":null,"166":null,"167":null,"168":null,"169":null,"170":null,"171":null,"172":null,"173":null,"174":null,"175":null,"176":null,"177":null,"178":null,"179":null,"180":null,"181":null,"182":null,"183":null,"184":null,"185":null,"186":null,"187":null,"188":null,"189":null,"190":null,"191":null,"192":null,"193":null,"194":null,"195":null,"196":null,"197":null,"198":null,"199":null,"200":null,"201":null,"202":null,"203":null,"204":null,"205":null,"206":null,"207":null,"208":null,"209":null,"210":null,"211":null,"212":null,"213":null,"214":null,"215":null,"216":null,"217":null,"218":null,"219":null,"220":null,"221":null,"222":null,"223":null,"224":null,"225":null,"226":null,"227":null,"228":null,"229":null,"230":null,"231":null,"232":null,"233":null,"234":null,"235":null,"236":null,"237":null,"238":null,"239":null,"240":null,"241":null,"242":null,"243":null,"244":null,"245":null,"246":null,"247":null,"248":null,"249":null,"250":null,"251":null,"252":null,"253":null,"254":null,"255":null,"256":null,"257":null,"258":null,"259":null,"260":null,"261":null,"262":null,"263":null,"264":null,"265":null,"266":null,"267":null,"268":null,"269":null,"270":null,"271":null,"272":null,"273":null,"274":null,"275":null,"276":null,"277":null,"278":null,"279":null,"280":null,"281":null,"282":null,"283":null,"284":null,"285":null,"286":null,"287":null,"288":null,"289":null,"290":null,"291":null,"292":null,"293":null,"294":null,"295":null,"296":null,"297":null,"298":null,"299":null,"300":null,"301":null,"302":null,"303":null,"304":null,"305":null,"306":null,"307":null,"308":null,"309":null,"310":null,"311":null,"312":null,"313":null,"314":null,"315":null,"316":null,"317":null,"318":null,"319":null,"320":null,"321":null,"322":null,"323":null,"324":null,"325":null,"326":null,"327":null,"328":null,"329":null,"330":null,"331":null,"332":null,"333":null,"334":null,"335":null,"336":null,"337":null,"338":null,"339":null,"340":null,"341":null,"342":null,"343":null,"344":null,"345":null,"346":null,"347":null,"348":null,"349":null,"350":null,"351":null,"352":null,"353":null,"354":null,"355":null,"356":null,"357":null,"358":null,"359":null,"360":null,"361":null,"362":null,"363":null,"364":null,"365":null,"366":null,"367":null,"368":null,"369":null,"370":null,"371":null,"372":null,"373":null,"374":null,"375":null,"376":null,"377":null,"378":null,"379":null,"380":null,"381":null,"382":null,"383":null,"384":null,"385":null,"386":null}

Document Information

Modified date:
22 February 2023