IBM Support

IBM Open Class Detection Tool



The IBM Open Class Detection Tool (iocchk) checks to see if an input file makes any references to IBM Open Class Library DLLs.

Download Description

As of z/OS V1.9, the IBM Open Class Library (IOC) is no longer shipped with the product.

The IBM Open Class Detection Tool (iocchk) inspects the input file to see if it contains references to IBM Open Class Library DLLs. The IBM Open Class Library contains the Application Support Class and Collection Class DLLs.

Note: iocchk does not detect references made to the USL library (that is, IOSTREAM or COMPLEX libraries)


For the USS version of the IOC Detection Tool, a USS environment installed on your version of z/OS.

Installation Instructions

Installing the MVS Version

1. Download the file 'iocchk.xmit' from this page to your workstation.

2. Logon to your z/OS ftp site and issue the following commands:

FTP ftp.server
quote site recfm=fb lrecl=80
cd //userid (replace 'userid' with your TSO userid)
put iocchk.xmit iocxmit

3. Logon to the z/OS TSO system and issue the following command:

RECEIVE INDSN('userid.iocxmit')

4. When prompted by the message "INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +", respond with:


This completes the installation of the MVS version of the IBM Open Class Detection Tool to your z/OS system.

Installing the USS Version

1. Download the compressed file '' from this page to your workstation.

2. On your workstation, unzip '' to extract the executable file 'iocchk'.

3. Logon to your z/OS USS ftp site and issue the following commands:

FTP ftp.server
put iocchk

4. Verify the file permission of 'iocchk'. Logon to your z/OS USS account, change to the directory containing the 'iocchk' executable (your home directory by default), and issue the following command:

chmod +x iocchk

This completes the installation of the USS version of the IBM Open Class Detection Tool to your z/OS USS account.

Usage instructions
Usage: iocchk options[...] file

Where options can be:
-a Detect any DLL references (including non-IOC DLLs)
-v Show version information

And where file can be any of the following:
- zFS executable file (for example, ./myexec)
- zFS directory containing executable files (for example, /home/mydir)
- MVS executable module (for example, "//'HLQ.MYPDS(member)'")
- MVS PDS containing executable modules (for example, "//'HLQ.MYPDS'")
- PDS wildcard members (for example, "//'HLQ.MYPDS(mem*)'")

If no options are specified, iocchk checks to see if the input file makes any references to IBM Open Class Library Application Support Class or Collection Class DLLs.

Return codes
If the input file makes any references to IOC DLLs:
- Return code is 1
- iocchk reports:
<file> (<IOC DLL name>)

If the input file makes no references to IOC DLLs:
- Return code is 0
- iocchk reports:

If the input file is a PDS directory or a zFS directory:
- Return code indicates the total number of files within the directory that make references to IOC DLLs
- iocchk reports, for each file, as described above.

Sample USS command for invoking IOCCHK on a PDS containing executable modules
iocchk -v "//'CEE.SCEERUN2'"

Sample USS command for invoking IOCCHK on a zFS executable module
iocchk -v /usr/lpp/cbclib/bin/isdcnvt

Sample JCL for invoking IOCCHK on a PDS member
Here is a sample JCL to run IOCCHK on //'CEE.SCREERUN2(CDAEQDPI)' with the -v option. Note that USERID needs to be replaced with your user ID, and LOCATION.OF.IOCCHK needs to be replaced with the dataset name where you have stored the IOCCHK utility.

// MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
/*JOBPARM T=1,L=80
// PARM=('/ -v //''CEE.SCEERUN2(CDAEQDPI)''')

Sample JCL for invoking IOCCHK on a zFS directory with executable files
Here is a sample JCL to run IOCCHK on /usr/lpp/cbclib/bin with the -v option. Note that USERID needs to be replaced with your user ID, and LOCATION.OF.IOCCHK needs to be replaced with the dataset name where you have stored the IOCCHK utility.

// MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
/*JOBPARM T=1,L=80
// PARM=('/ -v /usr/lpp/cbclib/bin/')

Terms and conditions
By downloading, installing, copying, accessing or using this software you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the License Agreement. Please review the License Agreement and License Information documents available below prior to proceeding with the download or installation

[{"DNLabel":"IOC Detection Tool v1.0 for MVS","DNDate":"01/11/2007","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"154800","DNPlat":{"label":"z/OS","code":"PF035"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"IOC Detection Tool v1.0 for USS","DNDate":"01/11/2007","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"28099","DNPlat":{"label":"z/OS","code":"PF035"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"License Agreement","DNDate":"8/17/2007","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"1488456","DNPlat":{"label":"z/OS","code":"PF035"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null},{"DNLabel":"License Information","DNDate":"8/17/2007","DNLang":"US English","DNSize":"539199","DNPlat":{"label":"z/OS","code":"PF035"},"DNURL":"","DNURL_FTP":null,"DDURL":null}]
[{"Product":{"code":"SSTLTF","label":"z\/OS XL C\/C++"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"IBM Open Class Library","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"Any","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

